Saturday 10 August 2013

Communication is key

An idea I really don't feel capable of presenting graphically as well as I'd like. So, I might as well just share where I got to...

So, the thinking outside the box bit should be in the shape of a cloud, similarly the key bit should be a key but it doesn't look good enough from the draft above for me to invest the time to think it's worth the effort doing properly!

Thursday 1 August 2013

Fred East - the one shot that never happened

I got as far as the front cover...

Another project that will never be realised.

Friday 5 July 2013

Know the Limit

Haha, some of the oldies are actually quite funny...

Must be circa 2001-2 but I don't know for sure!

Sunday 30 June 2013

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Material Misstatement 03: Auditors Coming

Ok, so a friend (@Templinho) asked why I haven't released a certain series of comics I made about eight years ago. No good answer; here's strip number three*: 

*Why no one and two? Well, I've released them already elsewhere, but I'll put them here too eventually! I do need to give this series closure at some point...

Tuesday 7 May 2013

So. I renewed Hopefully that will give me a bit of motivation to actually do something on here. Just reviewed my ideas, something is coming...

Monday 28 January 2013

Thinking outside the box

Here's another flyer for that special team member on the day one briefing.